GIRL POWER! ft. Meg Biram

Meg Biram is a consultant, blogger, artist and all-around superwoman based in Washington, D.C. Recently she relaunched her popular fashion, interiors and art blog MIMI+MEG as Meg Biram - The Edit, and is soon launching her latest project: The B-Bar! Does she ever sleep?!

What is the most important life lesson you've learnt so far?

I've learned that you have to create your own opportunities. Hard work and persistence is just as important as creativity.

What does the word feminism mean to you? 

Feminism is what paved the way for me to be able to own my own business. Thanks to the women who fought to establish and defend equal rights for women we have the opportunity now to do things that we don't even realize women 40 years ago weren't allowed to do.

What one change would you like to see happen in the future?

I would like to see women get paid equally in the workforce, and I'd also like to see more women in leadership roles and CEO positions. I'd also like to see women stand up for themselves and demand equal opportunity and pay. Women need to be more proactive and not feel like they can't ask for projects, raises and opportunities.

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